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  • Writer's pictureEstelle Goodwin

Can someone make you happy?

Journal entry - April 5th 2020

Happiness always comes from within; other people can help you find that happiness, but ultimately you have to do the searching. Who you surround yourself with definitely has an impact on the external energy you're receiving, which will impact your internal energy. When the people around you love you, believe in you, make you feel worthy of happiness, you believe those things too. When surrounded by negative energy, this belief is harder to achieve. When you believe you are worthy of happiness, you realize it was within reach al along; you just weren't allowing yourself to grasp it. It comes from a level of self-respect so deep that you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach it. Whether it be admitting your faults, changing your behavior, cutting toxic people out of your life; these are the hard things that are keeping you from grasping that happiness. Love yourself enough to be unapologetic in your quest for happiness. We may sometimes think someone makes us happy, especially in a romantic relationship. What we are really feeling is deeply loved and accepted for who we are, without feeling like we have to hold back. Holding back draws us farther away from being happy. But when we find that person, that hobby, that place, that community, that job, that makes us feel 100% genuine, we allow ourselves to feel happy.

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